Terran & Kate

Terran & Kate

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Its been over a year since I have posted, but I hope to keep up this new year! Since it has been so long since I have posted I decided to wrap up this last year in one post. Wish me luck!

This last year has been a blast for Terran and I! We have accomplished a lot and been to many places! The beginning of the year we started our second semester as CSI, terran continued to play college ball and take his EMT basic course. He enjoyed the class so much, he loved coming home and sharing everything he learned and would do in his labs and clinicals. He really loves the field he is going into. Here is a picture of him at his first clinical. I love this picture of him.

During the semester we had a wonderful addition to our little family! She has been such a fun and loving pup! She has the funniest personality and is definitely our little princess. Bad thing is she knows she is a princess too:)


After the semester was over we packed up our first apartment together. It was very bitter sweet for us. We were headed to Indianapolis for Terran's summer job. We made the drive across the country in two days. It was fun to see all the different places. We spent all summer there, it was a tough summer for us but Terran worked very hard for us out there. We came home a bit early to be with family which we enjoyed very much. Just before school started Terran and I got to do something we had been looking forward to all year. Our archery hunt!! This was the first time I had been hunting for my own tag. The hunt began august 10th. We left from Bunkerville and headed up to Twin Falls. Our tags were just below the Idaho Nevada border. We had no idea what the terrain was going to be like and boy were we in for one. It was a sage flat with a very deep steep canyon in between. We did a lot of hiking and glassing and unsuccessful stalks. Luckily with the lord on our side our week long hard work payed off.

 We then moved to Las Vegas where Terran and I started our new semester at CSN. Terran got to start his fire fighter courses and he aced all his classes. He worked really hard this last semester which has allowed him to only have one semester left. He was accepted into CSN's advanced EMT program this next spring. I am so proud of him and really excited for him. He is so close to being done with school and that much closer to working towards his career. I'm so thankful for how hard he works for us. As school for me I am starting my bachelors program in March for Secondary Education in Biology. I am definitely excited to be that much closer to being done. It was great to have a break from school for awhile but we look forward to starting up again in a few weeks. 
This year has been full of adventures for us, we made some accomplishments with school, we celebrated our first anniversary, we lived across the country (again), Terran helped me experience more firsts like a zoo, an NBA game, filling a deer tag, and much more. We are excited for new adventures this next year:)

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